Core Team Staff:

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Pablo Moulden
| Co-Founder & Director

For over a year, Pablo Moulden worked at NovaSalud Inc, a Northern Virginia HIV prevention, education, and linkage to care nonprofit, as the Youth Program Coordinator and as a Health Educator. Pablo coordinated supportive services for youth living with HIV, HIV education outreach in schools, and provided HIV/STI testing, prevention counseling, and PrEP navigation. Pablo has also served as a COVID-19 Response Technician with the Arlington County Public Health Division. Since being diagnosed with HIV at the age of 17, Pablo has reached over 6,000 people, especially youth, in over 25 different Virginia, Maryland, and DC institutions as a speaker and panelist on sexual health and HIV.

He currently serves on the Alexandria Commission on HIV/AIDS and on the Virginia Department of Health's Consumer Advisory Committee. As a Co-Founder and Director, Pablo created VACSER in 2018 to facilitate closer collaboration among organizations and advocates across Virginia. He has been helping to facilitate the Coalition’s growth and development ever since and is a principal author of the Virginia Healthy Youth Act. He currently works as a Disease Investigation Specialist at a County Health Department in Virginia.


Graham Weinschenk
| Co-Founder

Graham Weinschenk graduated from the College of William & Mary with a Bachelors in Government. He has served as the Executive Vice President of the Virginia Young Democrats (VAYD), three terms as VAYD’s Secretary, and two terms as the Chair of the VAYD Teen Caucus. Graham became passionate about sex education reform while serving as Chair of the VAYD Teen Caucus during his high school senior year. Since 2017, he has been the primary author of three iterations of comprehensive sex education reform legislation, including SB1235 in 2017 and HB159 in 2018. As VACSER’s Co-Founder and Core Team Leader, Graham has helped grow the Coalition since its creation in 2018 and is a principal author of the Virginia Healthy Youth Act.

Dusty Sabourin
| Associate Director of Parent Outreach

In 2013 Dusty joined a local meet-up for nonreligious parents in Spring, Texas; her experiences as both a member and organizer led her to recognize the urgent need for community building and representation among nonreligious families in the US. Following a move to Virginia, Dusty went on to become an American Atheists Assistant State Director, which she uses as a platform to promote secular family community, and increase awareness around issues important to all families, including improving student access to comprehensive sex education.

By combining her passion for community and social justice, she hopes to guide people toward a goal of increasing acceptance and inclusivity both within and on behalf of the nonreligious community--and beyond. In addition to her work with VACSER Dusty currently serves as American Atheists Assistant State Director for North Chesterfield, Virginia, organizer for Little Heathens of RVA, and a board member of Washington Area Secular Humanists.


Senior Advisors:


Alison Macklin
| Sex Education Policy Expert & Strategist

Alison Macklin is a national leader in the comprehensive sex education field for over 16 years. Owner and Chief Strategist at Making Sense of It Consulting, she provides guidance with regard to the implementation of comprehensive sex education legislation and policy and helps parents develop skills to feel comfortable having conversations about sex and sexuality with the young people in their lives. Alison is the Author of Making Sense of It: A Guide to Sex for Teens (and Their Parents Too!), a skilled sex education trainer, and is currently the Director of Policy and Advocacy with SIECUS: Sex Education for Social Change, working with several states to pass comprehensive sex education legislation modeled after the 2019 Colorado legislation she helped author and pass.


Affinity Group Representatives:

Virginia Parents for Healthy Youth

Dusty Sabourin, Founder & Leader



Virginia Students for Healthy Youth